Pop-Up Drive-In Showcase


May 24, 2020

2 months into the City of Chicago's shelter-in-place order, artists of Ishti knew there had to be another way to continue presenting live performances. Rather than dwelling on what was, Ishti focused on what could be. Live events may have been cancelled, but the process of building and creating art continues. In a span of 2 weeks, the artists of Ishti along with guest artist Irene Hsiao, in partnership with Zhou B Art Gallery, set out to create an intimate performance taking inspiration from drive-in theaters. In an empty parking lot, a combination of existing reimagined repertoire and improvisational pieces carved out a space for connection and reflection. 

Thank you to everyone involved in making this event happen and proving that we can continue to gather safely.
Tuli Bera, Kinnari Vora, Irene Hsiao, Bob Garrett, Preeti Veerlapati, Larissa Rolley, Zhou B Art Gallery

Chicago Reader Review